And can u really blame them? I mean they are so feted and favored by Indians everywhere too. Seeing as to how we are the second most populated country on earth, that is a lot of feting and favoring indeed.
Everything they do is approved of. Every time they are hit, millions of Indians cry. Remember the impact of 911 in India? Agreed! Many people had relatives there. But seriously the tears and sadness was over done, since I am sure all of them did not have relatives who worked in and around the WTC. Just couple of weeks before 911 there had been another attack on the kashmiris by the terrorists there. I am very doubtful if anyone here had even noticed it.
Bush annihilated Afghanistan, but hey that’s ok. It was after all done by the US. Thousands of innocent children and families, who probably did not even know who Osama was, were brutally murdered. But that’s only right, as an afghan was responsible for the WTC crash. If we cannot find him, then let’s destroy his country.
But kill one Pakistani and the self same people will be up in the arms against the violent Indian behavior.
I don’t condone violence, but my point is why this blind following? Why cry when someone else is hit and ignore when our own head is bleeding? How can we forget our centuries old culture and heritage and ape west so blindly, especially when they are trying to ape east? How can we forget that when we were building towns and roads and indulging in business in Mohenjodaro and Harrapa, they were probably clubbing each other on their heads and living in caves.
How can we talk about the clean roads in other countries, even as we spit on our roads?
Why cannot we feel proud of our country and want to work for it?
If India is corrupt, then so is US or any other country on earth. But if it is corrupt it is ‘coz we are ready to be corrupted, do we even stop to think about it?
If we feel the same way about India as Americans feel about their country, no one can stop India from being Numero Uno.
The Indian democracy was built by the people, for the people and of the people. But the same people are too busy finding out what else they can ape from the west, to think for themselves. Ask any kid what his plans for the future are. It will go this way – “Finish school, get into engineering, write GRE and go to US and settle”. This is almost a standard reply.
Recently I heard someone say “India is going to the dogs”, well seeing as to how dogs have more loyalty, I can’t help but be glad.

PS: All the above comments are my own and all that blah blah…
Its one of my favorite topics to crib about, and so here it is.
Will you forgo your onsite opportunity and stick to offshore???
Obviously not Vikram! I have nothing against people going onsite for their work. I don't even have anything against people who settle down in foreign countires. what I don't care for is people who destroy our country and talk about how good other countries are.
You should watch Rang De Basanti...incidentally, we were talking about the same topics after watching the movie.
I totally agree with u.
Thanks anonymous. yeah i have been planning to watch it... not yet got a chance, though :-)
Sorry Sanju i think Democracy, so be it called, is to BUY the People, FAR the people and OFF the People!!! On the whole there is no such think as Government or Patriotism it all boils down to raw POWER. Power is Politics!!!
sigh!! we have become so cynical
totally agree with mark, democracy has not worked for india...and it won't... reason, well here is a lil quote from historian Alexander Fraser Tytler... guess this fits us looking at todays vote bank politics ...
“A democracy . . . can only exist until a majority of voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury.”
As far as taking pride in history etc is concerned, i guess i wud agree with shah rukh khan in swades... well we have our culture and they have theirs... by taking pride in their culture they r doin just what u r suggesting for us to do... besides history is history, today they are certainly better off than us in all aspects and thats for some reason ... lets not degrade their acheivement...
also, regarding the stupid ppl comment, i don't think india would fare any better... just that there is no one to tell the stories...
It is sad to see hwo cynical we have become. BTW it has been proven that a 10th class kid in US has the IQ level of 6th or 7th kid in India. I am definitely not trying to degrade Americans, their achievements. But it would be good to take pride in our achievements too. I was quoting it is an example that we could achieve a helluva lot more if we can feel good to be an Indian.
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