Nothing quite spoils a weekend like being given work on friday evening 4.30, when you are just packing up and leaving.You can't leave the work and go home as it is gonna haunt you and spoil all the weekend plans and you are just not in the mood to work right away...hey its a friday evening after all. Totally Inhuman!!! It should be illegal to be given work after friday and before monday noon (a day I absolutely love to hate)
Adding insult to injury the people at offshore (india) have a looong weekend of 5 DAYS and we just have a 2 day weekend... *sniff*
I am sooo Jealous ...*wahhhh*
this is just the begining!!!!....
onsite onsite yes papa
weekend weekend no papa
work work always pa!!!!
enjoi every moment of it ;)
this coming from someone who used to work 24-7 in India!!!! :-O
well!!! if I have to work... I can atleast crib right :-)
he he i actually enjoyed a weekend of 6 days starting from thursday :-D
:D one more to the grp who had more than 5 days long .. or extra long weekend...
That pic .. may be i can paint the ears green ....lol... ok ok ... i would say the usual.. the expected ... u would have better friday today ... and to improve ur mood further.. we are working tomorrow... :)
me tooo
No new blogs frm long time??
Mark ur wish .... :-)
Hmmm where did u get this picture from. I love to read ur blogs - they r so colorful.
Thanks Rashmi... i get them from google...where else... :-)
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