Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Rambling in to the night!

Its 00.35 AM and my work requires me to be here for another hour or so.
I am sooo sleepy I can't think straight.

I think I have been staring at my monitor for the last 15 minutes and not been able to make any sense of what’s on it.
I have a deadline for tomorrow.. but hey wats a deadline when u r half dead...

Two people are fighting over the mails and I am following it with some interest until everything smoothens out and everyone is friends again *sighhh* :-(

They have cut all access to the Net and I am sure I totally enraged by it....ummm!!!! yeah I am... totally ...

OK! I got this great idea suddenly to see if I can post a blog from my mail id.
I am punchy as hell… so will stop right here before …zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!

PS: Next day: hehehehe reading back, it sounds just like I was drunk and rambling... thought for a minute I should remove the post... but then Naahhh!!!


RS said...

Hey! i am about to change my settings to be able to post thru mails too :-)

By the way-been regularly reading - but some problem with the link at home too- so couldnt comment...

ArchFULLY said...

Now i understand why you dont want night shift!!! :)

Sanjana said...

Oops,, my secret is out.