Tick tock tick tock... the only sound in the dark empty house.... I stare at the place where there should be a clock trying to remember where I am. Its either 12.15 or 3 in the morning...my eyes are too blurry... my heart starts pounding as I realize I am alone in the house after having bravely accepted to house sit.

Crrrrkkkkkkkk Crrkkkkkkkkkk ... the fan slowly starts rotating again as the current comes back up... when I suddenly sense a movement from the corner of my eyes...
I turn my head slowly towards the veranda,.. and there it is... it has a mop of dark shoulder length hair , pale body and is watching me with its head tilted to one side and floating some 2 feet from the ground....
I grab my pillow petrified... Just when a Whineeeeee loud enough to wake the dead (pun unintended, of course) ... by now I am shaking from head to toe and stumbling up to put on the light, all ready to run screaming out of the apartment.
As I fumble with the door latch, the light comes on and I turn my frightened eyes towards the veranda and stare in disbelief at my ghost.....
Sigh!!! A white plastic overturned bucket was sitting on a dark platform, on top of which there was a small pot, tilting crazily and a mop was placed next to it, so that the stick was hidden and the mop was hanging over the pot. The mop must have moved from the breeze....the Whineeee BTW was a police car going on its rounds.
As for me... my knees wouldn't hold me after I finished scaring myself half to death. So I sat shaking right by the door for sometime, before going around the house once, to check there were really no one (hey! better safe than sorry) and then spent the rest of the night cursing myself for seeing horror movies late in the night.
Needless to say next day I was safely cozied up in my room at my house :-)... *Phew*
Oh My God!! What a scare! I get scared even at the moving tree shadows outside the window of my own bedroom! No doubt you were scared...
Must have taken your BP at that time :-D
What is this? No new posts for a long time now? Thought you'll write about your trip to Blore? :-)
What is this? No new posts for a long time now? Thought you'll write about your trip to Blore? :-)
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