Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Its Party Time!!!

Had planned for a surprise birthday party for my brother and I guess we were more surprised when he refused to come home in time for us to surprise him.

Had a full day of meetings at office, which is a tiring piece of work by itself. Then went home ... rushed my brother out with his friends and then fell to decorating the room.

The guy who was supposed to collect my bro's friends and bring the cake was not coming in.. other guests had started trickling in. When suddenly my brother turned up home.. aargh!Had to do quite a bit of juggling act to get him out again

Then once everyone was in and we were all set to surprise him.. well! he surprised us. He was having too much fun somewhere else and he did not want to come home .. We were left scratching our heads wondering how to make him come home. hehehe

But Alls well that ends well. We did convince him to come home and he was thankfully surprised (or atleast acted surprised). But the one take-home I got from this - I am never going to plan a party .. ever...

Groan!!! Next day morning and I am still shambling around with an aching body.. Vive la Moms! I sure dont know how they manage to do everything and still end up looking so spritely.

But Hey! I am happy.. My bro did have a great time. :-)


Anonymous said...

ah.. u r back

Hazel said...

:D... atleast he came back home!!!!... what if he had decided to party away the whole nite ... hehe

Sanjana said...

@P :- Yes *cross my fingers*

@Hazel:- My bro's friend would have been in real trouble.. since he was also in the plan :-)

RS said...

Hehe! Sounds like an adventure - just to organise the party :-) Welcome back and DONT you go back into oblivion!